Postoperative Care Instructions

Our services

Our team is honored that you have chosen us for your spine care.  We take this responsibility seriously and want you to have the information you need both prior and after surgery to optimize your recovery.  Below is some general information that many patients find helpful, however, please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have other specific questions.  Please take time to review both the preoperative and postoperative information below, because we feel that it will help you best prepare for your surgery. Each patient will have individual needs and instructions that differ from those below, so if anything is unclear, please reach out to Dr. Khormaee and her staff at (212)606-1039 or email her office at

How should I prepare for surgery?

Preoperatively, Dr. Khormaee and her office staff will confirm with you if additional appointments (e.g. medical or pain management specialist) are needed prior to surgery. COVID-19 testing must be done within 5 days prior to surgery at HSS facilities. No special physical therapy is necessary prior to your procedure. A nurse from the call center will contact you after 1 PM one business day prior to surgery with detailed instructions on how to prepare the evening before undergoing surgery the following day. Additionally, Dr. Khormaee will give you a prescription to pick up a special wash at your local pharmacy (chlorhexidine scrub also known as hibiclens) that should be used every day for 5 days prior at the site of your surgery. More specific instructions will be given at your appointment with Dr. Khormaee prior to surgery.

What will my pain be like postoperatively?

Every person is different, and even for the same surgery, pain levels can vary after surgery. Immediately after surgery, we put numbing medicine in the skin, but most patients will experience mild discomfort at the incision site. It is also common to have an oscillating pattern of pain postoperatively that radiates to the leg, but while it goes up and down, for most patients, it will decrease steadily each day. Most patients require opioid pain medications for less than 7 days after surgery for smaller operations and 1-2 weeks after surgery for larger operations. Leg symptoms such as numbness and weakness may take longer to resolve, especially if present for many weeks prior to surgery.

Who can come with me to the hospital?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, access to family members and friends of patients is limited. For patients staying in the hospital overnight, one person can accompany the patient into the hospital and the preoperative holding area. They must leave once the patient goes to the operating room. For patients who leave the hospital the same day as their surgery, they must be dropped off and picked up at the main hospital entrance.

How should I care for the incision after surgery?

You will be given specialized instructions depending on your surgery type about how to care for your incision.

What will happen the day before surgery?

A nurse from the call center will contact you after 1 PM one business day prior to surgery with instructions. You will be notified as to when to arrive at the hospital and where to go. You may call (212) 606-1630 at any time to hear a pre-recorded message giving pre-operative information. On the day before surgery, you may consume a regular diet.  Adhere to any pre-operative information on diet after midnight; this usually includes not eating solid foods and only intaking clear liquids during that time.  Usually, you must stop all drinking, including clear liquids, by 3 hours prior to surgery.

What should I do the morning of surgery?

•      Wear loose, comfortable clothing and shoes that are easy to take on/off.
•      Confirm who (must be an adult) will pick you up after surgery.  No car services are allowed.  This is an HSS requirement.
•      Designate who will be contacted by Dr. Khormaee following your surgery. This information will be recorded in the preoperative area.  Please let this person know that delays and changes may occur in the operating room, and so he/she may have to wait for patient updates. 
•      If possible, plan to have an adult stay with you for the first 48 hours following discharge home to assist with activities and daily tasks.